
It’s Giving Thanks(giving) week here in the U.S. and on Unfold and Begin.  It’s an appropriate week to do it, so I thought I would share those things that I’m grateful for this week.
Giving Thanks (giving) on UnfoldAndBegin.com

I’m grateful for my husband and his geeky humor.  His mad cooking skills. The ease in which we speak to each other.  His support for all my crazy ideas.  How he helps to take care of my mother.  His loving eyes that see the real me.

I am grateful for my family.  My 96 year old mom.  My massage therapist son.  I miss my sister, but so grateful for our connection and the time we did have.

I am grateful for foggy mornings, beautiful sunsets, fleece, rare steak, books galore (for real and on Kindle) blogging, friends, purring cats, the smell of roses and lilacs, ocean waves lapping sandy beaches and the ability to look at the stars and imagine, which my mother taught me.