To Avoid Criticism – Wednesday Whoa

To Avoid Criticism – Wednesday Whoa

To avoid criticism, do nothing, say nothing, and be nothing. Elbert Hubbard There you have it. If you want to avoid criticism you literally do nothing. But is that what you really want? To do, say, and be nothing? I don’t think so. That’s why it’s so...

Wednesday Whoa

Growing up, I would always hear the poem about Monday’s child, who happens to be fair of face.  Unfortunately, as a child of Wednesday, I was supposed to be full of woe.  What a sad and frustrating image for a child.  So I’ve decided to turn...
You Never Know Until You Try

You Never Know Until You Try

That’s the thing with new things. You never know until you try. You either watch them go by or you try. What type of person are you? The type to watch them go by or the type who is going to give it a go? That’s today’s Wednesday Whoa to think about....
It’s Time for a Moving Break

It’s Time for a Moving Break

We’re moving. I know you know, I’ve been mentioning it a lot in the past few weeks. It’s starting to get real though, the movers show up on Thursday. I think it’s time for a moving break. Initially, I wasn’t planning on a break. I’d...
My Mother Couldn’t Cook

My Mother Couldn’t Cook

I was actually looking for a quote about how badass my Mother was. Because she was. But then I came across this quote and it made me laugh. Laughed so much, I knew I needed to make a Wednesday Whoa post about my Mother who couldn’t cook. She was a skilled baker,...
What is Creativity, You Ask?

What is Creativity, You Ask?

What is creativity? According to Merriam-Webster, the first definition of creativity is the state or quality of being creative. Then the second definition goes further: the ability to transcend traditional ideas, rules, patterns, relationships, or the like, and to...
One Way to Say Thank You

One Way to Say Thank You

In a previous post, I shared how I wanted to show more gratitude. So much so, that my vision boards were covered with terms like ‘give thanks’ and ‘grateful’ and ‘thankfulness,’ but I wasn’t doing as much with it as I would...
Why Journaling is Important

Why Journaling is Important

J is for Journaling. It’s next up in my Blogging A to Z Challenge. And that’s what this Wednesday Whoa quote is about – It is a relationship with your mind, which is why journaling is important. Whether you’re keeping a journal or writing as a...