
It’s time to for another edition of Blogging Boomers.  This time we catch up with my favorite Blogging Baby Boomers in August.  Let’s find out what they’re up to!

Sue from Sizzling Towards 60 & Beyond admits she is a worrier more than a warrior and admits that Worry can be exhausting!   New research from a US Study has recently shown that there could be certain brain cells that control changes in our anxiety levels and this knowledge could help those who suffer from anxiety disorders in the future.  There are over two million people just in Australia who have anxiety disorders!  Sue shares 4 easy ways to overcome worry and enjoy life plus shares the Worry Chart which certainly puts things into perspective.

Travel is never glitch-free. Issues large and small crop up. But once in a rare while, a trip proceeds almost perfectly. Meryl Baer of Six Decades and Counting is experiencing an almost-glitch-free journey through Alaska and the Yukon. She comments on some trip highlights in Notes From the Last Frontier.

Sometimes, the comments readers leave are as helpful as the blog post. Such was the case last week at A Healing Spirit in a post about deep grief.  Carol Cassara hopes you’ll take a look at both the post and the heartfelt comments.

Rebecca Olkowski with BabyBoomster.com has been writing about her recent trip to the Canadian Rockies. Her favorite lake was Moraine Lake and at one point she even saw an elk and a black bear. No Grizzlies, though. Enjoy the photos.

On The Survive and Thrive Boomer Guide, Rita R. Robison, consumer journalist, writes about a Medicare cut that’s likely to cause about 10 percent of beneficiaries to have sharply rising Medigap supplement premiums. The provision prohibits beneficiaries from purchasing “first dollar coverage” – popular Medigap policies which cover the first expense, the Part B deductible. The legislation closes the two most comprehensive and popular Medicare supplement policies – Medigap plans “F” and “C” – which provide first-dollar coverage, to new customers starting on January 1, 2020.

And finally, after a trip to the beach on Cape Cod, Tom Sightings wonders in Feeling Guilty about our impact on the sensitive environmental systems of our coastal regions. There are no easy answers, he realizes. But perhaps we could all be more intentional about the pleasures we take from our seashore and vacation spots.