
I’m in the process of updating certain things about my blog and realized that my About page hadn’t been updated in some time. While I think it’s fun, I also think it needs to be brought up to date. And I figured that a post about what you should know about me was also a good idea so my regular readers can see it too. It’s time to meet me!

My name is Jennifer Koshak and in the second half of my life, I’ve been learning to take chances, embrace my creativity, and step outside of my comfort zone. My successes (and failures) in those areas have encouraged me to do even more. And that’s what I want to do for other empty-nesters: to show you how to follow your dreams, connect with your creativity, and try new things.

If you don’t think you’re ready for it, I’m here to tell you that you are. Don’t worry, I’m not pushing anyone out of an airplane. There are plenty of ways to start small, feel successful, and then build on those successes. That’s how I do it and how I continue to do it.

From Baby Steps to Big Steps

When I started hiking, I didn’t go from my couch (and believe me…there was a couch involved) to hiking Mount Washington, which is the highest mountain in the northeast. Instead, a friend dragged me to a local Connecticut hiking trail, then she dragged me to bigger trails, then I quit smoking and we went hut hiking in the White Mountains of New Hampshire. Then we did a hut hiking trip that included Mount Washington.

All small steps that led to a bigger goal. Sure, a friend had to drag me out there in the first place, but that’s how it sometimes works. Find friends to do new things together. It’ll be more fun that way.

When I learned to ski, I started by taking a few tentative slides and spills on cross-country skis at a local park. Then I took cross country skiing lessons at a ski trail lodge, then for several years we did cross-country skiing on local trails and overnight girls trips into Vermont. Finally, I decided to try downhill skiing and spent several weeks taking lessons. Turns out I don’t like downhill skiing, so I went back to cross-country skiing.

Even though I spent money on learning a new skill, it doesn’t mean I have to like it or actually keep up with it once the lessons are over. But I was able to stop wondering what it would be like to downhill ski. Now I know and I also know I’m not a fan. Lesson learned and with no regrets because I tried…I just didn’t like it.

This year, I published a book Kindle and that was the longest journey of them all. I’ve always wanted to write but also didn’t like sharing myself. So for years…I didn’t. Then I found Julie Cameron’s book The Artist’s Way and learned about morning pages. I wrote the hell out of them for years before I attempted to write a newsletter for my husband’s Chocolate shop (which we had until 2014.) Then I started a blog for a couple of months and then I deleted it. Two years later, I started another blog which is this one. And on January 1st of 2020, I finally published my first book on Kindle.

Start Anywhere

Below are the main topics that I write about, although I reserve the right to write about things that are going on in my life as well. You can find most of those topics under My Life. And if you’re ever in need of a good laugh, then my Mommyism posts come highly recommended.

I love Vision Boards, I make them, I use them, and I write about them. Check out all of my different Vision Board posts.

If you need some creative inspiration. Get some hints and tips on how others do it, exercises to try, and even learn how to work around creative blocks, then start here. On the other hand, if you’re looking for some prompts to inspire your creativity, then check out Creativity Prompts where you’ll find a variety of pictures, quotes, first lines, and even last lines to inspire what you’re working on today.

If you need some encouragement to try new things then please do read the items in Try Something New. Or if you want to see how people have started over then try my Starting Over Interviews. You’ll meet different people who’ve all had to transform who they are in order to accommodate changes in their lives. Like a surgeon who started losing her eyesight, or a hairdresser who first became a kayak instructor and then a nurse. You’ll find a former nun, a former prison educator, and a survivor of domestic abuse who is now thriving.

I hope my blog posts and interviews will inspire you to embrace change, find the courage to start over either out of necessity or desire and learn how to embrace life with creativity and curiosity.

I'm in the process of updating my blog and I thought a post about what you should know about me was a good idea for new and regular readers. #aboutme #gettingtoknowme #starthere